5 Reasons Why Your Three-Month-Old Is Fighting Sleep

Are you frustrated and tired because your 3-month-old is fighting bedtime again? Is it 2 am, and you're awake for the third time (or maybe fourth or 100th) this week because your 3-month-old baby is fighting sleep? Little Dipper Sleep has good news! Or, we can at least make you feel better about the loud yawn you let out at the grocery store today. You're not alone! Many parents struggle with getting their little ones to sleep, and the effects on parents can be brutal. Lucky for you, Little Dipper Sleep has a highly-trained staff of sleep consultants available to help you get over the 3-month-old (or six-month, eight-month, 12-month, 18-month, and two years...does it ever stop?) hump.

What are the Possible Reasons?

  • Sleep Regression

  • Wanting You Close

  • Teething

  • Hitting a Milestone

  • Overstimulation

Sleep regression is real, and it can be challenging for 3-month-olds to adjust to bedtime. While you are familiar with the term regression, we encourage parents to look at this as more of a progression. Your little one transitions from a newborn into a true baby at this age. They are creating patterns in their sleep architecture and cognition. Unfortunately for parents, “sleep progression” starts around 3 or 4 months of age (just when you thought you had it all figured out) and lasts anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months (sigh!), depending on the child. During this time, your little one may be fighting sleep more than usual, waking up frequently throughout the night, taking longer naps, resisting naps altogether, or even waking earlier in the morning. This might sound overwhelming and even feel even worse to a sleep-deprived parent, but you can call in the calvary for help. Hear us loud and clear – This Is Normal! Little Dipper Sleep is here to help all the struggling parents out there. We will help you make an informed decision, read another blog post on 4-month “sleep progression” and educate you with any of our customized sleep programs. We can tackle your little one's sleep issues together. 

A baby’s desire to have their parents close can also play into 3-month-old resistance to bedtime. It's natural for your baby to feel stressed or upset when you leave the room, even if it's just for a few minutes. If this is causing your three-month-old to fight sleep, the Stellar Sleep program, combined with our trained sleep consultants, can offer personal coaching to ease your baby's anxiety and get you all into bed for a good night's sleep.

Quick Tips:

- Establish a consistent bedtime routine with activities like reading stories and singing lullabies;

- Make sure your three-month-old has plenty of opportunity for independent play during the day;

- Give them ample snuggle time at night;

- Offer extra reassurance as needed

Teething can start around three months for some little ones (while other babies may not start teething for many months, and both are normal!), and anyone who’s breastfeeding or chestfeeding knows EXACTLY the moment it happens. Teething can cause discomfort, pain, and irritation. If the three-month-old fighting sleep is due to teething, adding extra comfort measures may help your baby get back to its usual sleeping routine. Try keeping a cool teether in the fridge or giving them a warm bath before bedtime. Little Dipper Sleep is here to lean on when the stress of sleeplessness gets the best of you. Enjoy some extra cuddles because they do grow up too fast. Swaddle them in a temperature-appropriate blanket to make them feel safe, or offer a pacifier. These are great ways to soothe any little discomforts that your three-month-old might be feeling.

Hitting a milestone like rolling over can cause an upheaval in a sleep schedule - and yours! Who can be bothered to sleep when there’s so much practicing to be done! We promise you WILL get through this. Any new milestone can cause your three-month-old to fight sleep, wake up more often, and become fussy at night. They may also roll over to their belly or side and get stuck, which can be very upsetting for them. In this case, it is crucial to help them practice their new trick during the day and ensure they are getting enough energy out to settle down in the evening. Plus, there’s less need to practice at night if they’ve practiced their new feats of strength during the day. 

One quick safety tip: if your baby has started rolling, it’s essential that you remove the swaddle. You may feel a lot of anxiety about this. Change can be hard. But if your baby can roll, they are also ready to sleep without a swaddle. They may have an even harder time sleeping for a few nights but all babies adjust! Your little one will too. 

Lastly, we can address the dreaded overstimulation topic. During the day, sounds, lights, and all the beautiful things the world offers can cause your three-month-old to begin a sleep battle. Too much stimulation in the form of loud sounds and bright lights, toys, and other activities can wear them out, making it harder for them to settle down at night. Even talking to your baby when they’re no longer interested in interacting can cause overstimulation! Creating a quiet environment for your child, with reduced stimulation at least an hour before bedtime, is essential.

Little Dipper Sleep consultants have a variety of tricks up our sleeves to help you get better sleep without the worry associated with sleep regression. You don't have to do this alone. Please take the next step to get the rest you need and deserve with Little Dipper Sleep and our exceptional team of sleep consultants.

Little Dipper Helps You Make Sleep a Priority

Ensuring you and your children get to sleep during the dreaded three-month-old sleep fight can be challenging. Frustrated parents feel they have nowhere to turn. Little Dipper Sleep offers customized plans and individualized coaching to help you and your precious one. Our trained family sleep consultants have created The Stellar School with programs designed and researched to help children and families get the sleep they need. With many program options available, we can assess your needs during one of our complimentary 15-minute sleep consultations. Contact our team to set up your consultation and discover your child's path to stellar sleep today.


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