Foster Care: When Fostering is in Your Heart, We Put Stellar Sleep on the Horizon

Every May, the United States celebrates Foster Care Awareness Month. During this time, we take a moment to recognize and honor those who open their homes and hearts to children in need. According to the Children’s Bureau, there are currently 391,000 children in foster care across the country. This number is an increase from the previous year, with the number of children in foster care rising steadily since 2014.

For families who choose to foster a child, this is a challenging but rewarding journey. One key to success is establishing a healthy and consistent sleep routine for the child as quickly as possible. It can be hard for children experiencing a new environment to adjust to their new sleep schedule, which is why Little Dipper Sleep can help. 

Our team at Little Dipper Sleep is here to provide guidance, support, and the tools needed to ensure your child or children's sleep routine is as restful as possible. To discuss your sleep situation and develop a plan that will work for you, contact the experienced team at Little Dipper Sleep today! 

Compassionate Approach to Foster Care Children

Little Dipper Sleep was founded to provide a comprehensive and compassionate approach to helping children develop healthy sleep habits, including those being welcomed into a home from foster care. Our unique sleep strategies and evidence-based program focus on helping families discover stellar sleep together through consistent routines. The Mindful Method of Sleep honors the child's individual needs and works with their new family and environment. Through our combination of mindful care and education, we guide caregivers to use cognitive strategies, sensory integration, therapeutic sleep frameworks, and more — all grounded in the science of child development.

Helping children adjust to a new family through healthy sleep routines can make a huge difference in their foster care experience. Sleep is so powerful for emotional regulation and overall well-being, and we are proud to have the opportunity to help foster children find inner peace through stellar sleep. states, "To meaningfully address the mental health needs of children, youth, and young adults in foster care requires a holistic approach that focuses broadly on their well-being within the contexts of home, family, school, work, and community." Little Dipper Sleep offers a holistic approach and evidence-based sleep coaching methods to help children settle their minds and bodies into a positive sleep experience. Although unmet mental health needs are sometimes overwhelming, sleep should not be. "Feeling overwhelmed" is one of the top reasons people feel they cannot get the restful sleep they need.

How We Help

Little Dipper Sleep can help those leaving foster care with flexible and inclusive sleep coaching and classes. We equip parents with what all other sleep programs miss: the essential mindset tools and scientific insight you need to help your family and new addition(s) get their best rest.

Our program works specifically with families online or in their homes rather than in a clinic setting. We understand that no two situations are the same, so our experts tailor each approach to meet the needs of every child and family through our program. Little Dipper Sleep's evidence-based, holistic approach is proven successful in helping foster children adjust and establish a good sleep routine in their new home environment.

At the end of the day, we want to be here for families who are welcomed into foster care and support them through every step with stellar sleep. We are in the middle of Foster Care Awareness Month and are honored to be a part of the journey for many families.

Our dedicated professionals want to work with your family to develop customized sleep plans that fit your nightly needs. If your child is afraid to go to sleep or often wakes from night terrors, we have been there ourselves. We understand your frustrations. Little Dipper Sleep's team can work with you to create plans to remedy repetitive behavior. We understand the importance of providing an individualized approach, so we consider each child's age, temperament, sleeping environment, and lifestyle when developing these plans.

Honoring Those Whose Help

Little Dipper Sleep reminds you to take the time this month to recognize and honor those who open their homes and hearts to children in need! Because of the complex traumas children and youth face in foster care, foster care alumni experienced posttraumatic stress disorder at a rate nearly five times higher than the general adult population. This stress can result in extended periods of sleeplessness. Let's show them how much we care about their stellar sleep.

Effective training and support for foster parents will improve retention, increase placement stability, and increase capacity to help children and youth in care navigate life's challenges. Whether getting your toddler to sleep better through the night or your big kid to face the fear of their new environment, establishing a routine that works for everyone in the family is crucial. Our sleep consultants at Little Dipper Sleep will help get your family on track.

Don't wait any longer - let us support you in discovering the best possible sleep for you and your family! Get stellar sleep today with personalized sleep advice from our dedicated professionals. Contact us to get started on improving your toddler's restful slumber.

Please visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can help your foster child get better sleep. To those taking precious children out of foster care and welcoming them into your home - thank you!

Thank you for helping make a difference in the lives of foster children! Let's continue to show them the love they deserve!


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Keeping a Good Sleep Routine