Restorative Sleep vs. Junk Sleep: Which Do You Experience?

Getting a good night of restorative sleep is essential for children and adults. Have you felt that you "slept" but woke in the morning feeling like you ran a marathon? Your sleep habits probably prohibit you from getting restful or restorative sleep. Restorative sleep helps us to stay energized, alert, and focused throughout the day. Unfortunately, getting quality restorative sleep isn't always easy — especially with busy family life.

With Little Dipper Sleep, our consultants focus on allowing everyone to enjoy the stellar sleep they seek. When you are allowed the restorative sleep you need, not only do you and your family feel better, but you are also able to be more productive and happier.

restorative sleep

What is Restorative Sleep?

Restorative sleep helps restore the physical and mental energy lost throughout the day. When we have restorative sleep, our bodies undergo several processes that allow us to rebuild muscle tissue, repair cell damage, and boost brain function. This type of sleep is vital as our little ones grow mentally and physically, but it should not be limited to only children. Helping ALL family members get their best rest is important to the Little Dipper Sleep team.

On average, people spend one-third of their lives asleep, or at least that is how it is supposed to be. If you are one of the unlucky individuals who suffer from sleep-related issues, including insomnia, know you are not hopeless. Restorative sleep is obtainable with our evidence-based sleep strategies. Our sleep coaches will help you or your loved ones learn to enter the two crucial stages of restorative sleep:

  • non-REM (rapid eye movement)

  • REM sleep

Non-REM sleep helps us relax our muscles, slow our heart rate, and regulate hormones like cortisol and melatonin that control stress levels. During REM sleep, our bodies enter a deeper state of relaxation where we can process thoughts and memories more effectively. Both are key in achieving quality sleep and crucial to feeling well-rested when you wake.

What is Junk Sleep?

Junk sleep is the opposite of restorative sleep and interrupts the natural sleep cycle. It affects our mental alertness, physical energy, and emotional well-being by not allowing us to go through all the necessary sleep cycles.

Insufficient or poor quality sleep can lead to several issues, including difficulty concentrating, increased stress levels, poorer immunity, and obesity. We must do what we can to ensure our children get the restorative sleep they need. If not, you may suffer sleep deficiencies, which can lead to:

  • ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Mood Issues

  • Car accidents due to poor reaction time while driving

  • Cognitive impairment, mental fog, or forgetfulness

  • Daytime somnolence

  • Fatigue and lack of energy

  • Reduced immune system

  • Type 2 Diabetes or increased blood glucose levels

  • Weight Gain or Obesity

  • Lower testosterone lowered libido, and impotence in adults

Our team of experts will help your family rest better and longer with effective sleep coaching strategies and practices to support the whole family. As a result, your little ones will wake up more refreshed and energized for all the adventures that lay ahead. Let Little Dipper Sleep be your guide in getting everyone in your family the restorative sleep you need.

The Importance of Restorative Sleep in Adults

In adults, restorative sleep should account for 50% of the total night's sleep. We don't know we are depriving ourselves of this essential sleep. As adults, we assume we are "tired." In fact, missing this sleep creates a cycle of being moody, fatigued, and unhealthy. It doesn't have to be like that with Little Dipper Sleep.

Humans believe that all sleep is good sleep. That couldn't be farther from the truth. The total time we sleep is different from quality sleep. Eight hours of sleep does not equate to eight hours of restorative sleep. We see clients undergoing blood level tests and being prescribed antidepressants, stimulants, and other sleep sedatives. Yet, none of these tests or prescriptions result in quality sleep. Fear not, friends. Better sleep is on the horizon when you work with an evidence-based sleep coach from Little Dipper. Sleep issues don't just threaten newborns or children's sleep patterns; adults also suffer in silence. We are here to help all tired humans get their best rest.

Restorative Sleep Does Not Have to Evade Children

Your newborn will spend half their lives in restorative sleep, but by the time they reach the age of 5, a child's sleep architecture will resemble that of an adult. Research has taught us the benefits of restorative sleep, so let Little Dipper help your newborn, toddler, or small child create sleep patterns that will support their best sleep for their entire lives.

Our trained staff will work with you or your child (regardless of age) to develop a system that works for everyone. We can discuss tips to help yourself or your preschool drift off to sleep without a battle. Our team will provide proven strategies, including:

  • Mindful breathing before sleep

  • Eliminating screen time for at least 1 hour before bedtime

  • Creating a comfortable and relaxing sleeping room

  • Limiting or adjusting snacks before bedtime

  • Eliminating drinks beyond water before bed

  • and creating a relaxing routine before you put your little one (or yourself) down for the night.

The Little Dipper team is here to guide you and your family to get the restorative sleep you deserve. We believe in solutions-focused coaching that helps promote healthy sleeping habits with easy-to-follow tips. Let us guide your family through this journey of quality restorative sleep with our evidence-based strategies.

We have got you!

Stellar Sleep Means Restorative Sleep

Don't wait any longer - let us support you in discovering the best possible sleep for you and your family! Get stellar sleep today with personalized sleep advice from our dedicated professionals. Contact us to get started on improving your family's restful slumber.

Please visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can help everyone in your family get quality sleep.


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