5 Tips to Keep Your Family Sleeping During the Holidays

Do you find it hard to keep your family sleeping well through travel or overnights away from home, especially during the holidays? With a team of certified family sleep consultants, Little Dipper Sleep is here to provide some of our top tips to ensure everyone in the family (parents and children alike) gets the best sleep possible. No matter where you're spending this holiday season, Little Dipper can help you sleep once you arrive at your destination. 

Holiday Tip #1: Make a schedule but still understand the concept of flexibility 

Even though excitement and activities abound during the holidays, keeping a routine when possible is always a good plan to attempt while traveling. While experts agree that children benefit from going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, parents and family members need flexibility. There are ways you can maintain some consistency to help you preserve your child's sleep without forcing an unchangeable schedule.

  • Try to maintain their bedtime routines - keeping to the same steps and sequence as every other night (even if it needs to be a bit shorter to get them in bed on time).

  • For kiddos who need more consistency or are more sensitive to schedule changes and overtiredness, it can be helpful if you plan your outings or family meals around their nap times.  

  • If you know your baby NEEDS to take her 1 pm nap, but you have to get to Grandma's house in time for Thanksgiving dinner, then you have several choices that can meet both her and your family's needs. 

    • You can go early and plan for her to nap at Grandma's, 

    • Stay at home for the nap but have her take a shorter or earlier one so you can still get there in time, 

    • Plan the car ride there so you can time the nap while she's riding in the car. 

If you are struggling to establish a nightly routine before your departure, the family sleep consultants at Little Dipper can offer ideas as part of one of our Stellar Sleep programs. We also offer more pro tips for traveling on our blog bag. 

Holiday Tip #2: Get some sun each day. 

Depending on your climate and especially during the winter, it's easy to spend more time indoors than usual. It's essential to get some sun every day, even if it's just for a short walk around the block. Exercising promotes better sleep, so kick the ball around with the kids for a few minutes or enjoy a stroll to experience some new scenery. Sunlight helps regulate our bodies' natural sleep cycles, so getting some sun each day will help everyone sleep better at night. 

Holiday Tip #3: Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening. 

It's tempting to reach for that second cup of coffee, soda, or an energy drink in the afternoon to keep your energy level up while visiting, but caffeine can stay in our system (and your kids') for up to 8 hours. A quick fix is to avoid caffeine after lunchtime and opt for herbal tea or water instead. This trick will help ensure everyone is sleepy come bedtime. 

Holiday Tip #4: Make a sleep-friendly bedroom or recreate bedrooms from home. 

If your family typically sleeps in a cool temperature, keep that consistent while traveling. Ideally, keep the temperature between 60-67 degrees for the best night's sleep. Try to keep the room quiet and dark. Also, bringing your child's favorite blanket or favorite "lovey" may be beneficial. Sometimes the smells of home can help lull a child into a deep sleep, and it works for adults too! 

Holiday Tip #5: Remember the essential items

The local hotel may be your only option when traveling for the holidays, which is acceptable and sometimes preferred. No matter where you lay your head this holiday season, don't forget to pack your child's "favorite things." These items will bring comfort and help create a restful environment.

  • white noise machine

  • a comfort "lovey."

  • a few of the most played-with toys

  • well-loved books

  • the child's sheets or bed coverings, especially if they are newborns. This act creates an association with home and makes the child less aware they are away from home while in the new sleep space.

Bonus Tips:

For more information about jet lag and international travel, check out our previous blog about Time Zone Travel, Jet Lag, & Kids: How to Survive Eastward, Westward, and International Travel with Babies & Kids.

Little Dippers Helps You Make Sleep a Priority

Ensuring you and your children get to sleep during the hectic holiday season can be challenging, especially when you mix in extended families, parties, and general excitement. Our trained family sleep consultants have created The Stellar School with programs designed and researched to help children and families get the sleep they need. With many program options available, we can assess your needs during one of our complimentary 15-minute sleep consultations. Contact our team to set up your consultation and discover your child's path to stellar sleep today.


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