Keeping a Good Sleep Routine

Our Mindful Method for Sleep is designed to help you discover stellar sleep and create a sleep routine providing better sleep for children and adults alike. At Little Dipper Sleep, we use mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and proper lifestyle guidelines to create a personalized approach that works best for each individual.

Our team at Little Dipper Sleep is here to provide guidance, support, and the tools needed to make sure your sleep routine is as restful as possible. To discuss your sleep situation and develop a plan that will work for you, contact the experienced team at Little Dipper Sleep today! Don't wait any longer. Take the first step, and let us guide you back to well-rested and refreshed mornings

Benefits of a Good Sleep Routine

We understand the importance of a good night's sleep and are here to help you achieve just that. With our Mindful Method for Sleep, you can start on your journey to discover stellar sleep today. Studies have shown that getting your family the best rest is beneficial in many different avenues of life. Little Dipper Sleep coaches recognize how vital sleep is for the entire family and promise better sleep is on the horizon.

To that point, individuals with good sleep routines:

  • Get sick less often

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Have a lower risk for serious health problems

  • Reduce stress and are happier overall

  • Can think clearly and perform better in school and at work

Sleep Routines Keep You Healthy

Little Dipper Sleep's Mindful Method for Sleep helps families to create good sleep routines, establish healthy habits and create consistency. The body releases hormones during sleep that repair cells and control the body's energy use.

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a sleep expert at the University of Rochester, clarified that during sleep, a brain keeps working. Sleep helps prepare your brain to learn, remember, and create. Nedergaard and her colleagues also found the brain has a drainage system that removes toxins during sleep. Her team found this drainage system removes some proteins linked with diseases like Alzheimer's. During sleep, these toxins were removed twice as fast from the brain.

Sleep Routines Help Maintain a Healthy Weight

Getting enough sleep can help maintain a healthy weight. Inadequate sleep is linked to higher levels of stress hormones which may increase hunger and promote weight gain. A good bedtime routine will help you sleep properly and manage your body weight better.

A study by researchers at the University of Chicago found that individuals who increased their sleep duration with good sleep routines could reduce their caloric intake by an average of 270 calories per day. This reduction would translate to roughly 26 lbs of weight loss over three years if the individuals maintained the effects long-term. Let our Little Dipper squad provide evidence-based strategies to help you secure quality sleep.

Sleep Routines Lower the Risk for Serious Health Problems

During normal sleep, your blood pressure goes down. Suffering from sleep problems causes your blood pressure to stay higher for longer. Serious health issues like high blood pressure are one of the leading risks for heart disease and stroke. About 75 million Americans (or a staggering 1 in 3 adults) have high blood pressure. Developing a good sleep routine can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure.

Another serious problem facing individuals is diabetes. This disease causes sugar to build up in your blood. The build-up damages your blood vessels. Some studies show better quality sleep may help people improve blood sugar control.

As mentioned above, lack of sleep can lead to an unhealthy weight. This risk is especially true for children and adolescents, who need more sleep than adults. By not getting enough sleep, individuals may impact the part of the brain that controls hunger.

Sleep Routines Help Reduce Stress 

Your sleep routine can also help reduce stress levels. Your body can better regulate its hormones and cortisol levels with a consistent sleep schedule. Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress. It is responsible for your "fight or flight" reaction to danger. Too much cortisol can create fatigue, further worsening other health issues like anxiety and depression. It can also lead to weight gain and cardiovascular issues over time.

More restful sleep can significantly decrease cortisol levels and restore balance to the body's systems. If you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, let Little Dipper Sleep step in and help you and support the journey to stellar sleep.

Sleep Routines Help with Clear Thinking

A well-rested brain is a happy one. When you are sleep deprived, your ability to think clearly and make decisions decreases dramatically. With the Little Dipper Sleep, you can discover healthier habits that lead to better sleep. This will help you stay focused throughout the day and keep your mind sharp.

Sleep helps to prepare our brains for learning new things, and a well-rested brain helps us pay better attention to new information from daily experiences. Sleep makes new information 'stick.' While we sleep, our brain replays memories from the day. This builds neural connections - making them stronger. This process allows us to remember things when we are awake.

Sleep routines also help our creativity or allow us to facilitate new solutions to problems. This problem-solving happens in a new way while we sleep. Ever hear people say they will 'sleep on it'? Now you know why!

Little Dipper Sleep: Ensuring Stellar Sleep for Everyone

At Little Dipper Sleep, we believe everyone deserves a good night's sleep regardless of age or situation. Little Dipper Sleep has developed a Mindful Method for Sleep to help you get the restorative sleep your body needs. Our method helps you create a sleep plan, identify and address things that may keep you awake, and develop calming routines at bedtime.

Choose Little Dipper Sleep for all your sleep needs. With our coaches, you'll be sure to find the perfect sleep routine that fits your lifestyle and ensures that you get a restful night of sleep every day. 

Let us help you discover stellar sleep together! Schedule your Free Consultation today! 


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